“I’m too big for muh britches…”
As you can see, we’ve been adding new stuff to the site and updating things all around. It was pretty obvious the infrastructure needed some TLC and some added items all around. New websites feel like new cars – they depreciate in value the second you drive them off the lot and into the internet super-highway. But nevertheless, we have made some fundamental changes to the overall site that should make things a little easier –
- The Blog section now works a lot better, far more friendly to navigate.
- We’ve added a neat little tile section that will let you watch Monkeyfun Actual Play sessions here on the site.
- We’ve added a Calendar section to let you know where we’ll be personally debuting new games.
- We no longer have a limit for the items in our Game Portfolio.
- A lot of under the hood stuff that only other web design geeks would appreciate (new SEO tools, better plugin for Mailchimp, new WordPress plugins, better 404 handling, updated version of PHP… see I told you this was only for web design geeks).
And we’re still working on it. While scooting about, if you see something that seems wonky (not even broken, just wonky), or you have a suggestion you’d like to share, feel free to drop us a line.