Happy New Year! – An Update from the Monkeys

The final half of 2019 has been a long push for us to get A Town Called Malice into the hands of our Kickstarter backers and pre-orders, but we managed to get everything out by end of year. Not bad for a Kickstarter that concluded in April of the same year, we think.

As we start 2020, we’re looking at what we want to accomplish and what we still have on the books:

First thing, we’re finishing up Acts of Malice Volume 1, the first supplement for Malice, which will include three playsets to provide new environments and terrible horrors for your gaming table. That will be going to KS backers first, but we’re expecting it will be available by March/April.

We are also hoping to get a new Bedlam Hall Terrible Tale together, with the hope of publishing a collection of all the Terrible Tales in a physical form.

As for Spirit of 77, well we’re still trying to figure out will come next. We have a few ideas, but want to let them simmer a bit to see what we like the most.

For convention appearances within 2020, we will (of course) be attending Strategicon (Gateway, Orccon, and Gamex) here in the Los Angeles area. We are also on the books for attending Burning Cat in Portland this year (the convention being held by the creators of Exploding Kittens.) BigBadCon is still on the table later in the year, and a few other things we’re considering.

All in all, we’re really looking forward to 2020, and hope you are too!

~Your friends at Monkeyfun