….aaaaaand we’re back.

You may have thought we were off, farting around on Bourbon Street during the apparent silence. And we were. However, in that time we have also put together a new playtest draft of Spirit of ’77 that is currently being reviewed by our crack team of smart guys. Stay tuned, things are picking up speed…

Okay, This Time Dave’s Prepared for Playtesting…

New printouts, new index cards, review of the rules, and creation of brand new game sheets. Dice are reviewed, new notebook and pens and a fresh binder for everything. Gonna be different this time! …Well, almost different.

Bob thinks I’m a spaz.

Just because I created this site while we’re still working on the first draft of our first little project. Is that too early? I’m never sure. But hey, it’s either this or play MyVegas. Frankly this is more useful. So if you’re here, hi! How are ya? Keep coming back as we keep working on this!