At Strategicon of February 2024, Monkeyfun Studios hosted its first Live Action Role Playing event for Dead Man's Wake, our thrilling pirate fantasy setting. For many, this was their first foray into the world of live action so we wanted to create a streamlined rules system that could fit both the rules, setting and character into a standard envelope.

Introducing the Carta Dramatica System! We're continuing to fine-tune its use and will have this available as a free download for any role-playing group foolhardy  courageous enough to give it a try.

For this fine band of scurvy dogs, we will be continuing the narrative next year at Strategicon, as well as open up to other settings and environments. In the meantime, take a look at these good-looking rogues.

(And always, a major shout-out to Jim Sandoval who always supports our tomfoolery whenever we unleash it upon Southern California.)

Check out the pilot one-shot tabletop adventure of Dead Man's Wake on DrivethruRPG!